Monday, December 16, 2019

Stop Procrastinating - The Easy Way

Procrastination - What a lousy word.  Do you do it?  We all do at times.  Read more to find out to stop procrastinating and get things done!

How many times do you see that same bill on your desk that you'll "get to later?"   Or, is that bottle of laundry detergent just sitting by the steps waiting to get to the laundry room.  Let's face it; procrastination is an easy thing to do.  But, let's also be real in saying that procrastination is a major hurdle when it comes to being productive or just trying to be organized.  I think we all procrastinate at times but if you can eliminate procrastination from your life, you will see major changes in your productivity.  Sounds easy!  But, for me, it was hard to implement. 

Most successful people or "highly effective" people use the concept of "touch it once."  This is the idea that once you get something in your hands, you just knock out whatever has to be done and bring closure to that item.  When I first heard the term "touch it once," it really resonated with me.  I was like, "Wow.. this really works."  And it does work.  And, I think when you do things the first time that you are able, in the long run, you end up doing less work.  It's simple math really.  Instead of just looking and shuffling around the mortgage bill 25 times before you pay, just pay it as soon as you get in from the mailbox (your inbox or you snailmail box)!   So, go take that cat litter downstairs.  Take that jacket that is on the railing and hang it up.  You won't be disappointed with your efforts!

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Make Yourself Workout

I think most of will agree that working out regularly is good for us.  What is tough is actually finding the motivation to go to the gym or go for a run or whatever it is that you do.  I used to go bed thinking that I would wake up in the morning and see how I felt before I decided if I was going to gym.  Many times, I would say to myself something like, "I'll just go after work because I'm too tired right now."  Then, I would go to work and then still decide to not go the gym because of some excuse like "it was a long day" or "there's too much going on".  So, I didn't go to the gym after work either.

So, many years ago, I simply committed to getting up each morning and going to the gym regardless of how I felt.  Unless I had a significant illness or had family commitments, I was at the gym.

I may not have always had the greatest workout each day but I was there, at the gym, moving my body.

So, the simple truth in this post is simply to schedule your workout and stick to it.  Don't let yourself decide if you feel like going to gym.  Just go!

Monday, November 7, 2016

Forgetting Things?

Does it seems like you are always forgetting things?  For example, do you leave the house without that thing you wanted to return?  Do you go to the gym and forget part of your work outfit?

Well, there are some simple fixes that have worked for me.  Essentially, you want to make it so that you can't forget it.  Here are some examples:

1.  If you want to take something with in the morning on the way to work, make sure to get it ready the night before and "put it in your way" so you are going to see it in the morning.  I typically leave things like this right by the door to the garage.  That way, my path out the door takes me right to the stuff I don't want to forget.

2.  I am a morning gym person.  Rather than waking up early and packing my work clothes, I always do it the night before and have my bag ready (and I leave the bag in a place I won't forget).  Getting the gym bag ready the night before serves a couple of purposes.  First, since you are packing at night (and not while groggy after just waking up), you are less likely to leave out items.  Secondly, if others in the house sleep in later, you are less likely to disturb their sleep if you can just get up and go without having to turn on lights and root around through drawers, closets and dressers.

I hope this helps!!

Friday, November 4, 2016

Is Body Language Important?

If you want to be more confident and less stressed, watch this "TED Talk" about body language.   What a powerful talk by Amy Cuddy.  Fake it 'til you become it!! (link is from

Your body language shapes who you are

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Carry Exact Change

Here is a post I saw on lifehacker about carrying the right amount of change.  If you hate carrying a ton of change but want to always have the right amount of change to cover from $0.01 to $0.99, the minimum number of coins to carry is ten (10).  Here is the combination:

1.  3 quarters
2.  1 dimes
3.  2 nickels
4.  4 pennies

Each time you leave the house, carry those coins.  Of course, after one iteration of creating change, you'll need to create the combination again so maybe you could create little sets of 10 coins and always have them available.

Stop Procrastinating - The Easy Way

Procrastination - What a lousy word.  Do you do it?  We all do at times.  Read more to find out to stop procrastinating and get things done...