Monday, November 7, 2016

Forgetting Things?

Does it seems like you are always forgetting things?  For example, do you leave the house without that thing you wanted to return?  Do you go to the gym and forget part of your work outfit?

Well, there are some simple fixes that have worked for me.  Essentially, you want to make it so that you can't forget it.  Here are some examples:

1.  If you want to take something with in the morning on the way to work, make sure to get it ready the night before and "put it in your way" so you are going to see it in the morning.  I typically leave things like this right by the door to the garage.  That way, my path out the door takes me right to the stuff I don't want to forget.

2.  I am a morning gym person.  Rather than waking up early and packing my work clothes, I always do it the night before and have my bag ready (and I leave the bag in a place I won't forget).  Getting the gym bag ready the night before serves a couple of purposes.  First, since you are packing at night (and not while groggy after just waking up), you are less likely to leave out items.  Secondly, if others in the house sleep in later, you are less likely to disturb their sleep if you can just get up and go without having to turn on lights and root around through drawers, closets and dressers.

I hope this helps!!

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